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2003 VF750C Magna
Currently All Stock In Candy Blue
Photos & Trips
Honda Specification Propoganda
Speed & Performance Stats ( Not From Honda )
This is a place holder line that I don't understand I hate that I need to use it
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1986 V65 Magna
Some Weird Custom Burgundy Color with Flames
Riding Pegs
Miles: 29,000
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1984 V65 Magna
Repainted Stock Black
Matching Tracy Fairing
Crash Guards
Miles: 18,500
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1985 V65 Magna
The Latest Addition in 9/2003
Original Pearl Vintage Red
Front Wind Deflector (small sheild)
Corbin Seat
Saddle Bags & Fork Tool Bag
Crash Guards with Riding Pegs
Passenger Back Rest
SixPack Rack with small bag
Miles: 36,000
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